The Highly Sensitive

A Whiter Smile, Chemical Free

· Smile Brighter! ·

November 18, 2016 Comments Off on A Whiter Smile, Chemical Free 1 Photos

If two of your best friends are also coffee and red wine, you might think there is no hope for a white smile without gooey strips that taste like hydrogen peroxide or expensive, blinding trips to the dentist.

Flashback to 2 weeks before our wedding; the stress was real, I couldn’t consume enough of my favorite beverages and my teeth were taking a toll.  It was a vicious cycle.  Our good friend Anne, who is also a Goddess and health guru, listened to my whitening woes and suggested I try a version of oil pulling that works for her.

“Oil pulling?  You’ve lost me, tree hugger.”

Oil Pulling is an Ayurvedic method used to detoxify and clean the teeth and gums, including the added benefit of whitening teeth and strengthening your gums and immune system.  Turns out, the Orbit Gum lady was right and our mouths are actually filthy.  Many bacterial, fungal, viral and yeast infections begin in the mouth (gross), so improving oral health can yield immune system benefits.   

Here’s a science recap on how oil pulling actually works.  Much of what happens in the body occurs due to the charges on interacting atoms. This ionic interaction is also a driving force in the mouth. Oil pulling, in addition to more well-known oral hygiene methods, capitalize on the law that opposite charges attract and like charges repel.  Teeth have a negative charge, and they attract the positively charged salivary proteins, which form the basis of bacterial plaque in the mouth. Oral bacteria floating around in the mouth attach to the salivary proteins and form a matrix. The introduction of negatively charged oil strikes a bond between the bacterial matrix and the oil, and this mixture eventually emulsifies.  A constant swishing action attracts more and more plaque bacteria away from the tissues and into the oil. At the end of the process, spit the the oral bacteria trapped in the oil into the trash (not your pipes), and rinse your sailor mouth of any remaining oil.

This version of oil pulling does not require strenuous swishing, and I still saw the results first hand; my teeth were whiter, my skin looked more clear and my breath was fresher.

What Do I Need?  

Quick Disclaimer – DO NOT overdo it on the oregano oil.  You are not an oregano hero.  That shit is potent and will burn your mouth and can make you blind if you chug it.  If you’re preggo, skip the oregano oil and use coconut or sesame oil. One small bottle will last you a LONG TIME, and you can use it for DIY cleaning products like this one, too.

How Do I Start?

Oil Pulling is best in the morning, so start your day toxin free.  Wet your toothbrush and place 5-8 drops of coconut oil on the bristles.  Squeeze all of oregano oil out of the dropper and back into the bottle, and smear the oil dropper on your toothbrush, or attempt to squeeze the last ½ drop directly onto your brush.  Add toothpaste, and brush for at least 2 minutes.  Spit the majority of the mixture into your trash (don’t clog the pipes!), and rinse your mouth with water.

Why Coconut Oil? Coconut oil is a powerful destroyer of all kinds of microbes, from viruses to bacteria to protozoa, many of which can be harmful.

Why Oregano Oil? Oregano oil has antibacterial, anti fungal and antiviral properties and it’s fresh as heck.

Whiten with care!

The Highly Sensitive